This work proposes a hierarchical architecture composed of a expert neural network set based on the ensemble method with dynamic selection of classifiers for application in speech recognition systems. Therefore, 30 commands in the Brazilian Portuguese language were coded by a two-dimensional time matrix, resulting from the application of the discrete cosine transformation in the mel-cepstral coefficients. These patterns were modified by means of a nonlinear transformation to a high-dimensionality space through a set of Gaussian radial basis functions (GRBFs) parameterized with the centroid and covariance characteristics of the classes. The classification was made through the dynamic classifier selection approach, in which multilayer perceptron and learning vector quantization configurations were analyzed to constitute the multiple classifiers specialized in the subdivisions made in the total of classes to be recognized. Then, given a new test pattern, the GRBF that presents the highest value of the receptive field in relation to the input feature vector indicates the class to which the pattern is nearer, thus directing to the expert neural network that provides the final result of classification based on the local accuracy.