The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) currently has a hearing requirement for individuals seeking a commercial driver's license for interstate commerce. The existence of such a requirement implies that truck driving is a hearing-critical job, perhaps including speech communication tasks. Indeed, a task analysis performed in an earlier phase of this research confirmed that there are many hearing critical truck driving tasks, including several speech communication tasks. However, previous studies have shown that the truck cab environment can be quite noisy, perhaps noisy enough to impair speech communication. In this study, an analytical method known as the Articulation Index (AI) was used to predict the level of intelligibility in truck cabs for live and CB speech given certain measured truck-cab noise levels. Results showed that except in the quietest noise conditions, speech communication is severely degraded in the truck cab, a finding with potential safety implications. The AI method described herein can be used as a standardized analytical technique to evaluate speech intelligibility in various truck cab environments for design and comparison purposes.