It is proposed to develop a source of polarized 3 He ++ ions for the JINR Accelerator Complex on the basis of its polarized deuteron source by feeding its radio-frequency dissociator with 3 He gas to produce metastable atoms, using an existing sextupole magnet and adding a low-field rf transition units. The radio-frequency transitions of the atomic states of helium-3 in the metastable state are studied. The Schroedinger equations in the uncoupled basis |ψ e , ψ h > and also in the basis of stationary states are received. Results of computer simulations agree with published data. The possibility to use two types of the weak field transitions in the helium-3 with different frequencies to get positive or negative values of the helion polarization is shown. Ionization and accumulation of the polarized helions may be carried out by the electron beam ion source (EBIS) in the reflex mode of operation. The project ionizer parameters are the following: electron energy 10 keV, effective current 5 A, ion trap length 1 m, 3 He ++ ion beam intensity ≈ 2 × 10 11 ions per fast extraction pulse of 8 µs.