In the first paper of this series (6), judgments of the loudness of the second tone of a pair and reflex reactions of the eyelid to the same tone were both shown to be functions of the intensity of the first stimulus and the interval between stimuli, and it was indicated that these reactions, Jz and R2, 1 bore similar relations to the variables mentioned. It was suggested on the basis of these results that the positive time error would be accounted for, in part, by the observed decrement in ]t which increased with the intensity of Si.It is the purpose of the present paper to discuss the data upon the judgments of the first stimulus of the pair, for changes in J\ as well as /? must play a part in producing the time error, though heretofore no such analysis has been made of judgments of both members of a pair. Since the judgment of Si occurs after both Si and S 2 have been presented, /1, like Jt, may be affected by pairing, and the judgments, whether in absolute or relative terms, will in that case be a product of the mutual effects of the two stimulation processes as well as their interactions with the same or different background conditions in the organism making the judgments. This possibility suggests the importance of investigating the presence or absence of concomitant variation in /1 and J 2 , and the results of this part of the study are also to be found in this paper. A third paper considers these data and those of the first paper in relation to various theories of the time order error (8).