Problem Statement: Design, which is a process of creating, supports individuals' pursuit, experience and discovery, and contributes to the improvement of higher-order thinking skills. A systematic design education offered in the early years of life boosts especially creative thinking and problem solving skills as well as awareness of the environment and nature. Such education programs have been implemented continuously in Europe and America. However, in Turkey, there is no design education for children.
Purpose of the Study:This research aims to adapt into Turkish culture the Architectural Design Education Program for American preschool and primary school children aged 6-11 and to analyze its effectiveness in improving the design skills of Turkish children. The effectiveness of the program is examined within the sub-question if there are any statistically significant differences between the experimental groups instructed by adapted program and the control groups instructed by conventional activities in the concept of design skills exhibited through performancebased assessments particular to each instructional session.
Method:The Architectural Design Education Program was adapted into the Turkish culture through studies carried out with expert groups. In the academic year 2011-2012, 177 children were given this education program in a primary school in Ankara. These students constituted six