Purpose: To apply a new method to identify, classify, and follow up young swimmers based on their performance and its determinant factors over a season and analyze the swimmers' stability over a competitive season with that method. Methods: Fifteen boys and 18 girls (11.8 ± 0.7 y) part of a national talent-identification scheme were evaluated at 3 different moments of a competitive season. Performance (ie, official 100-m freestyle race time), arm span, chest perimeter, stroke length, swimming velocity, speed fluctuation, coefficient of active drag, propelling efficiency, and stroke index were selected as variables. Hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis were computed. Results: Data suggested a 3-cluster solution, splitting the swimmers according to their performance in all 3 moments. Cluster 1 was related to better performances (talented swimmers), cluster 2 to poor performances (nonproficient swimmers), and cluster 3 to average performance (proficient swimmers) in all moments.Stepwise discriminant analysis revealed that 100%, 94%, and 85% of original groups were correctly classified for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd evaluation moments, respectively (0.11 ≤ Λ ≤ 0.80; 5.64 ≤ χ 2 ≤ 63.40; 0.001 < P ≤ .68). Membership of clusters was moderately stable over the season (stability range 46.1-75% for the 2 clusters with most subjects). Conclusion: Cluster stability is a feasible, comprehensive, and informative method to gain insight into changes in performance and its determinant factors in young swimmers. Talented swimmers were characterized by anthropometrics and kinematic features.
Keywords: prepubescent swimmers, seasonal adaptations, longitudinal assessment, classificationTwo of the most interesting research topics in the field of sports performance, and specifically in competitive swimming, are the identification of performance-determinant factors and performance modeling. Several research groups have focused on identifying the main performance determinants and how they interplay to improve performance. Performance of young swimmers is influenced by growth and maturation. 1 Biological maturation may promote changes in their biomechanics, motor control, and energetics, which may affect their expertise achievement. 2 Young swimmers experience different rates of development that progress according to their own time scale. 3 For example, 2 structural-equation models reported that anthropometrics influence swimmers' kinematics and hence their performance. 4,5 The second topic of research interest is to model performance over time. The model enables a researcher or sports analyst to predict a subject's performance at a given moment, for example, at a given age or competition (ie, mean stability, withinsubject analysis). 6 Longitudinal assessments can also be carried out to understand the relative changes of performance among the main athletes (ie, normative stability, between-subjects analysis). 1,7 New trends in sports performance and expertise should adopt a multidisciplinary approach to enhance our understanding of the a...