At pressure ∼ 25.7 bar the flux, F , carried by solid 4 He for T > 100 mK depends on the net chemical potential difference between two reservoirs in series with the solid, ∆µ, and obeys F ∼ (∆µ) b , where b ≈ 0.3 is independent of temperature. At fixed ∆µ the temperature dependence of the flux, F , can be adequately represented by F ∼ − ln(T /τ ), τ ≈ 0.6 K, for 0.1 ≤ T ≤ 0.5 K. A single function F = F0(∆µ) b ln(T /τ ) fits all of the available data sets in the range 25.6 -25.8 bar reasonably well. We suggest that the mass flux in solid 4 He for T > 100 mK may have a Luttinger liquid-like behavior in this bosonic system. [12,13] in the vicinity of 80 mK, where the major changes in torsional oscillator period or shear modulus [14] were seen.Here we seek to understand the behavior of F for T > 100 mK in more detail. We apply a temperature difference, ∆T , to create an initial chemical potential difference, ∆µ 0 , between two superfluid-filled reservoirs in series with a cell filled with solid 4 He. We then measure in some detail the behavior of the 4 He flux through the solid-filled cell for T >100 mK that results from the imposed ∆T as the pressure difference between the two reservoirs changes (the fountain effect) and the chemical potential difference between the two reservoirs, ∆µ, changes from ∆µ 0 to zero. For T > 100 mK modest period shifts have been seen in a number of torsional oscillator experiments, in some cases even above 400 mK [15].Since the apparatus [12,13] used for this work has been described in detail previously, our description here will be concise. A temperature gradient is present across the superfluid-filled Vycor [17][18][19] rods (Figure 1), V1 and V2, which ensures that the reservoirs R1 and R2 remain filled with superfluid, while the solid-filled cell (1.84 cm3 ) remains at a low temperature. For the present experiments a chemical potential difference can be imposed by the creation of a temperature difference, ∆T = T 1 − T 2, between the two reservoirs. The resulting change in the fountain pressure [20] between the two reservoirs results in a mass flux through the solid-filled cell to restore equilibrium. The experimental protocol is designed to minimize what has been described as the "syringe effect" [21,22] by which sequential net injections of atoms to the cell increase the density of the solid. By a reduction in the base temperatures of R1 and R2 we also eliminate the flow restriction that would be present for too high a Vycor temperature [13].To fill the cell initially, the helium gas (ultra high purity; assumed to contain ∼300 ppb 3 He) is condensed C1 and C2, the pressures in the superfluid-filled reservoirs, P 1, P 2, are measured at room temperature, and the sample cell temperature is measured by thermometer TC. [Not to scale; V1 and V2 are longer than shown here.]