Constrained Hamiltonian description of the classical limit is utilized in order to derive consistent dynamical equations for hybrid quantum-classical systems. Starting with a compound quantum system in the Hamiltonian formulation conditions for classical behavior are imposed on one of its subsystems and the corresponding hybrid dynamical equations are derived. The presented formalism suggests that the hybrid systems have properties that are not exhausted by those of quantum and classical systems.PACS numbers: 03.65. Fd, 03.65.Sq
A. IntroductionFundamental assumption of quantum mechanics is that the evolution of an isolated quantum system is given by the linear Schröedinger equation. On the other hand, all macroscopic systems usually obey nonlinear evolution equations of classical mechanics to an excellent approximation. The classical and the quantum theory have developed different formalism to successfully describe interactions between systems belonging to their respective domains. Correlations between quantum objects are mathematically captured by the direct product structure of the Hilbert spaces. On the other hand compound classical systems are described on the Cartesian product of the component's phase spaces. Attempts to formulate a consistent dynamical theory of interacting quantumclassical, commonly called hybrid, systems are numerous as is illustrated by the following rather partial list of references [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Current technologies are sufficiently developed to enable experimental studies of the interaction between typically quantum and typically classical objects [9,10], but such experiments require detailed preliminary theoretical models.In this work the framework of the theory of Hamiltonian dynamical systems is used to treat the hybrid quantum-classical systems and to develop a description of the interactions within such systems which is consistent with the main physically justified requirements. In fact, it is well known [6,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17] that quantum mechanics can be formalized as a Hamiltonian dynamical system with the corresponding phase space and with the quantum observables described by functions which are quadratic forms of the canonical variables. More general functions on the quantum phase space do not have any physical interpretation. This formalism is used in [8] to develop a description of the hybrid classical-quantum systems by treating both, quantum and classical, formally as Hamiltonian systems described in the Hamiltonian language. The coupling between the systems is introduced somewhat ad hoc as if both systems were classical, just because they are both described in the framework of the * Hamiltonian dynamical systems. This assumption about the treatment of compound systems is not trivially obvious. For example, such treatment of coupling between two quantum systems, both separately described in the Hamiltonian framework, would be incorrect. In this paper we start with the total compound quantum system in the geometric Hamiltonian framewo...