We have investigated the spin-state equilibrium of adrenal mitochondrial P450,,, (cholesterolside-chain-cleaving, CYPl1 Al) by absorption spectroscopy in the Soret band as a function of pH and temperature. The van't Hoff plot of the high-spin/low-spin equilibrium is not linear and is shifted towards high spin by lowering the pH. This non-linearity resolves clearly into two phases when the temperature range is extended from 37 "C to -20 "C using ethylene glycol as anti-freeze cosolvent. This enabled us to measure the enthalpy and entropy changes which are AH, = 0.7 kJ . mol-' andat low temperatures and AH, = -42 kJ.mol-' and AS, = -152 J . K-' . mol-' at high temperatures. The transition temperature, Tbreak, between both phases decreases as a function of pH.The experimental data can be fitted by a minimal reactional model comprising a temperature dependent conformational transition and two ionisation steps (one for each conformation), the pK of which is 1.5 0.5 higher in the low-temperature conformation. The deduced conformational equilibrium is affected by physiological effectors: Tbreak depends on the nature of the substrate intermediate and on the presence of the physiological electron donor, adrenodoxin.The cytochrome P450 (P450) heme-iron spin state has intrigued researchers for many years [l]. Upon substrate binding, P450 converts in most cases from a low-spin ( S = 1/2) to a high-spin ( S = 5/2) state. The spin state is coupled to the P450 redox potential: P450 reduction is more easy in the highspin than in the low-spin state [2,3], suggesting a link between spin state and enzyme function. Both, substrate-free and substrate-bound P450 are reported to exist in a thermal spin-state equilibrium [ l , 2, 41. In fact, most spin investigations are indirect : they deal with the spectrally determined equilibrium between P450 species absorbing at 417 nm and 391 nm. However, the position of the absorbance maximum in the Soret band of the ferric protein is related to the spin state of its iron center, as measured by resonance techniques such as EPR and Mossbauer spectroscopy [2, 4, 51. During a low-spin to highspin transition, the heme iron looses its sixth ligand and becomes displaced 45 pm out of the heme plane [6]. This heme structural change depends however on the ligand field produced by the surrounding protein and by the bound substrate. It is influenced by a wide spectrum of physiological and Abbreviations. P450,,,, cholesterol-side-chain-cleaving cytochrome P450; P450,,,, camphor monooxygenase.Enzymes. Cytochrome P450,,,, cholesterol monooxygenase (sidechain-cleaving) (EC; cytochrome P450,,,, camphor monooxygenase (EC (CNRS), F-34033 Montpellier, France physicochemical parameters [7]. The spin state is therefore a potentially helpful parameter for the detection of proteinconformational changes. Especially, the thermodynamic parameters AH and AS of this reaction have been used to unravel discrete protein-conformational changes [4, 8, 91. Whereas the spin-state thermodynamics of ba...