The analysis of the active site region in the crystal structures of template-primer-bound KlenTaq (Klenow fragment equivalent of Thermus aquaticus polymerase I) shows the presence of an ϳ18-Å long H-bonding track contributed by the Klenow fragment equivalent of Asn 845 , Gln 849 , Arg 668 , His 881 , and Gln 677 . Its location is nearly diagonal to the helical axis of the templateprimer. Four base pairs in the double stranded region proximal to 3 OH end of the primer terminus appear to interact with individual amino acid components of the track through either the bases or sugar moieties. To understand the functional significance of this H-bonding network in the catalytic function of Klenow fragment (KF), we generated N845A, N845Q, Q849A, Q849N, R668A, H881A, H881V, Q677A, and Q677N mutant species by site-directed mutagenesis. All of the mutant enzymes showed low catalytic activity. The kinetic analysis of mutant enzymes indicated that K m.dNTP was not significantly altered, but K D.DNA was significantly increased. Thus the mutant enzymes of the H-bonding track residues had decreased affinity for template-primer, although the extent of decrease was variable. Most interestingly, even the reduced binding of TP by the mutant enzymes occurs in the nonproductive mode. These results demonstrate that an H-bonding track is necessary for the binding of template-primer in the catalytically competent orientation in the pol I family of enzymes. The examination of the interactive environment of individual residues of this track further clarifies the mode of cooperation in various functional domains of pol I.Sequence alignment of various nucleic acid polymerases has revealed the presence of several conserved motifs (motifs A-E) in diverse DNA polymerase families (1-3). Two of these motifs (motifs A and C) are absolutely conserved in all DNA polymerase families, whereas the conservation of other motifs is restricted to individual families. Two conserved aspartates, one belonging, respectively, to motifs A and C each, serve as ligands for divalent cations (4 -6) and tags for the active site location of DNA polymerases (1, 2, 7).The Klenow fragment (KF) 1 of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I has been extensively used as a model system for understanding the structural basis for the polymerase reaction mechanism. The crystal structures have shown the 68-kDa KF folds into two distinct domains, a ϳ200-amino acid long 3Ј-5Ј exonuclease domain at the N-terminal, and a ϳ400-residue polymerase domain at the C-terminal (8 -10). The polymerase domain, which anatomically resembles a half-open right-hand, consists of a cleft formed by three subdomains designated as fingers, palm, and thumb (8, 10). These subdomains have been implicated in different functions of polymerases (7). The active site constituted by motifs A and C resides at the palm subdomain, the dNTP binding site at the fingers subdomain, and the template-primer binding site at the thumb subdomain (7). The crystal structures of several DNA polymerases complexed with template-prim...