A mycoplasma designated strain R171T (type strain) was isolated from the infraorbital sinus of an adult chicken. This organism was assigned to the class Mollicutes and the order Mycoplasmutales on the basis of its morphological, physical, and cultural characteristics. Its deoxyribonucleic acid base composition was 24.5 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Strain R171T was sterol dependent, and since it did not produce helical forms or hydrolyze urea, it was assigned to the family Mycoplasmataceae and the genus Mycoplasma. Strain R171T fermented glucose, hydrolyzed arginine, and produced films and spots. This strain was shown to be serologically distinct from 74 currently accepted mycoplasma species or serovars by growth inhibition, immunofluorescence, and immunodiffusion tests, which were supported in some cases by metabolism inhibition tests. Thus, strain R171T appears to be a new and distinct mycoplasma s ecies, for which we propose the name Mycoplasma lipofaciens (= NCTC 10191' = ATCC 35015T).During a survey of mycoplasmosis in domestic poultry and wild birds, a number of isolates were recovered from the respiratory tracts of chickens; these isolates were apparently serologically distinct from previously recognized avian species (23). Particular interest was focussed on isolates which were biochemically similar to Mycoplasma iowae (previously avian serovar I) in having the ability to utilize both glucose and arginine but which showed no serological relationship to this group of mycoplasmas during preliminary tests.In view of the importance of mycoplasma detection to the poultry industry and of the increasing evidence of the pathogenicity of M . iowae (8,29,32,40,41), we thought that it would be worthwhile to characterize these strains further. The aims of this paper are to establish that one of these isolates, strain R171T (type strain), is a new Mycoplasma species and to provide a detailed description of the morphological, physical, cultural, biochemical, and serological properties of this organism in accordance with the recommendations of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Mollicutes (22).(Preliminary results of this investigation were presented at the 3rd Conference of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology , Custer, S.D., in 1980.)
MATERIALS AND METHODSMycoplasma strains. Most reference strains used in this study were obtained from the World Health OrganizatiodFood and Agriculture Organization Collaborating Centre for Animal Mycoplasmas, University of Aarhus , Denmark; exceptions were Mycoplasma sualvi, Mycoplasma faucium, Mycoplasma bovoculi, and Mycoplasma hominis reference strains, which were obtained from the National Collection of Type Cultures, London, England. Strain R171T was isolated from the infraorbital sinus of an adult chicken in 1975; the flock to which this chicken belonged was serologically positive for Mycoplasma synoviae but clinically normal.Media. For isolation and laboratory examination, strains were normally propagated in a modifi...