Sodium chloride is present in our body fluids, and the blood contains approximately 0.9 wt% salt, which plays an important role in maintaining the osmotic pressure. However, the amount of salt intake has consistently increased, and an excessive intake can be the cause of high blood pressure, etc. In this study, it was investigated in vivo and in vitro whether biocompatible ionic polymers with K or Ca ions can be replaced by Na ions through an ion exchange process to be excreted. Among the polymers, Ca-polystyrene sulfonate, K-polystyrene sulfonate, Ca-carrageenan, and Ca-tamarind had an excellent Na exchange ability in the body temperature, simulated gastric fluid and also simulated intestinal fluid. The mechanism of Na removal by absorption and excretion without changing food taste in the mouth through the insolubility properties of these polymers is expected to be a solution for the current problems related with excess sodium intake.Keywords: sodium ion absorption, polymer, nature polymers, cation substitution.