; "Stereo and motion cues effect on depth judgment of volumetric data," Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXV (SD&A2014),. IS&T / SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014, Vol. 9011, February 2-6, 2014.
Stereo and Motion Cues Effect on Depth Perception of Volumetric DataIsaac Cho, Zachary Wartell, Wenwen Dou, Xiaoyu Wang and William Ribarsky Charlotte Visualization Center, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA 28213-0001
ABSTRACTDisplays supporting stereoscopic and head-coupled motion parallax can enhance human perception of containing 3D surfaces and 3D networks but less for so volumetric data. Volumetric data is characterized by a heavy presence of transparency, occlusion and highly ambiguous spatial structure. There are many different rendering and visualization algorithms and interactive techniques that enhance perception of volume data and these techniques' effectiveness have been evaluated. However, how VR display technologies affect perception of volume data is less well studied. Therefore, we conduct two formal experiments on how various display conditions affect a participant's depth perception accuracy of a volumetric dataset. Our results show effects of VR displays for human depth perception accuracy for volumetric data. We discuss the implications of these finding for designing volumetric data visualization tools that use VR displays. In addition, we compare our result to previous works on 3D networks and discuss possible reasons for and implications of the different results.