The CONPROF project developed by the automation engineering company IPA SA, the University Politehnica of Bucharest and the Romanian-American University contributes to the sustainable development of the cooperation between higher education institutions and businesses by facilitating the training of students in higher education and the transition from being a student to being employed. It ensures in this way the increased employability of the graduates through counseling, vocational guidance, practical training and integrating three main components: curriculum, the student's initial skills and labor market needs.
A central activity in the instruction is the complementarity of the practical training stage performed in the summer holyday after the third year of study by developing and implementing interactive learning methods using a simulated enterprise.
The roles open in the application are: Admin, Professor and Student. In the simulated enterprise workflow, the activities start with the Admin creating the accounts for Professors and Students. The Student creates an enterprise and the Professor that is associated to the Student validates it. The Professor uploads the templates for the documents of the company and the Student completes them and uploads the files on the platform. The Professor grades the result.
By connecting the simulated company to the simulated enterprise network ROCT (Romanian Coordination of Training Firms), the students come into direct contact with the functioning of public institutions relevant for companies. The role is to interconnect businesses simulated in a national network, giving at the same time services similar to those performed by state institutions such as the Trade Registry, Financial Administration, banks etc...