“…In the past decade, researchers in the field of animal-robot interaction have tried to extend this field of study to fish. Four major types of robotic devices have been created for fish-robot interaction studies: a two-dimensional moving platform underneath a tank to transmit the two-dimensional motions to a lure inside the tank using magnetic coupling, as shown in Faria et al (2010); robotic arms that steer lures inside aquariums, as shown in Phamduy et al (2014), Polverino and Porfiri (2013a, b), Kopman et al (2013), Abaid et al (2012), Butail et al (2014a), Cianca et al (2013), Ladu et al (2015a, b), Polverino et al (2012), Spinello et al (2013), Bartolini et al (2016), Donati et al (2016), Ruberto et al (2016Ruberto et al ( , 2017, and Romano et al (2017); wheeled mobile robots that move below a tank and steer lures inside the tank using magnetic coupling, as shown in Swain et al (2012), Rashid et al (2012), and Landgraf et al (2013Landgraf et al ( , 2016; robotic lures that swim autonomously underwater, as shown in Abaid et al (2013), Butail et al (2013), and Butail et al (2014b). While these studies have demonstrated the potential to develop artificial devices able to interact with fish, there is no solution involving multiple robots that move independently and reproduce the same trajectory and locomotion patterns as the fish being studied, which would show how a group of robotic agents would integrate and be able to modulate the collective decision-making process of the animals, as was the case in the LEURRE project.…”