In the last decade, the Video Browser Showdown (VBS) became a comparative platform for various interactive video search tools competing in selected video retrieval tasks. However, the participation of new teams with an own, novel tool is prohibitively timedemanding because of the large number and complexity of components required for constructing a video search system from scratch. To partially alleviate this difficulty, we provide an open-source version of the lightweight known-item search system SOMHunter that competed successfully at VBS 2020. The system combines several features for text-based search initialization and browsing of large result sets; in particular a variant of W2VV++ model for text search, temporal queries for targeting sequences of frames, several types of displays including the eponymous self-organizing map view, and a feedback-based approach for maintaining the relevance scores inspired by PICHunter. The minimalistic, easily extensible implementation of SOMHunter should serve as a solid basis for constructing new search systems, thus facilitating easier exploration of new video retrieval ideas. CCS CONCEPTS • Information systems → Video search.