DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaec95
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Interannual variability of terrestrial net ecosystem productivity over China: regional contributions and climate attribution

Abstract: China's terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Regional contributions to the interannual variation (IAV) of China's terrestrial carbon sink and the attributions to climate variations are not well understood. Here we have investigated how terrestrial ecosystems in the four climate zones with various climate variabilities contribute to the IAV in China's terrestrial net ecosystem productivity (NEP) using modeled carbon fluxes data from six ecosystems models. Model results show … Show more

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Cited by 68 publications
(37 citation statements)
References 41 publications
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“…Therefore, although significant negative correlations are identified between the filtered GPP and temperature over the Hetao area (348-408N, 1058-1108E; Fig. 3c), contrary to the previous works that positive (negative) temperature anomalies tend to increase (decrease) the photosynthetic activity of grassland over eastern China (He et al 2007;Zhang et al 2019), it might indicate the influence of precipitation on 2-m temperature and GPP, rather than the direct FIG. 3.…”
Section: Dominant Climatic Driver To the 20-50-day Gpp Anomalies Overcontrasting
confidence: 84%
“…Therefore, although significant negative correlations are identified between the filtered GPP and temperature over the Hetao area (348-408N, 1058-1108E; Fig. 3c), contrary to the previous works that positive (negative) temperature anomalies tend to increase (decrease) the photosynthetic activity of grassland over eastern China (He et al 2007;Zhang et al 2019), it might indicate the influence of precipitation on 2-m temperature and GPP, rather than the direct FIG. 3.…”
Section: Dominant Climatic Driver To the 20-50-day Gpp Anomalies Overcontrasting
confidence: 84%
“…A climate division map of China was applied for regional analysis. It divided the country into four climate zones-i.e., temperate continental, temperate monsoonal, subtropicaltropical monsoonal, and high-cold Tibetan Plateau, as in He et al [15] and Zhang et al [16].…”
Section: Datamentioning
confidence: 85%
“…The capacity of terrestrial GPP to partly offset anthropogenic CO 2 emissions is especially important for China, where the emissions of fossil fuel CO 2 into the atmosphere are high (Gregg et al, 2008). The subtropical forests in eastern China can take in a considerable amount of CO 2 (Yu et al, 2014), and contribute remarkably to the total carbon sequestration of Chinese ecosystems (Zhang et al, 2019a). The climate in eastern China is dominated by the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), which is one of the most active components in the global climate system and can significantly affect the movement of local rain belts (Ding et al, 2008).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The climate in eastern China is dominated by the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), which is one of the most active components in the global climate system and can significantly affect the movement of local rain belts (Ding et al, 2008). Given the ecological importance of the monsoon climate in China and the high sensitivity of the carbon uptake of ecosystems in EASM region to rainfall (Dan et al, 2015;Zhang et al, 2019a), it is important to develop a deeper understanding of the response of GPP to the variability in rainfall during the EASM.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%