“…Ini (Wiradimadja, 2018) local wisdom functions as conservation and preservation of natural resources, development of human resources, development of aspects of culture and science, advice, beliefs, literature and taboos, social meanings for example communal/kinship integration ceremonies, meaning ethics and morals, meaning politics, for example the power of patron client. Some of riset find about morale reasoning and how it can appliying in journalistic practices (Martono, 2017), rule of pepatah adat of Minangkabau people contains intercultural values which contribute to the formation of self identity (Moeis et al 2022). From (Fakhriati and Erman, 2022) study find that resilience include local wisdom based on Islamic norms and other riset on local wisdom about the environmental communication campaign need religious symbols and cultural idea (Primayanti and Puspita, 2022).…”