“…Ihc best (.lenionslration iniplicatinii l>'nipbocytcs in cell separation is their infiltration of tissues which arc composed ol cells possessing specialized areas of adhesidii. Lymphocytes have been observed in intestinal epithelium (Meader & Landers 1967, Toner & Ferguson 1971, in cpithclitini overlying areas in chronic iiillaniniation as in lichen planus (Barnctt 1976) and in the jtinctional epithelium in early periodontal disease (Schroeder 1973, Holthuis et al, 1977, Some lymphocytes inliltratiiig these epithelia show morphological changes that are representative of activation (Toner & Ferguson 1971, Schroeder 1973. Molthtiis ct al, 1977), Yet.…”