Bone marrow aspiration (BMA) has an important role in the investigation and diagnosis of hematologic as well as nonhematologic malignancies and various other diseases. The procedure varies from one setting and person to the other.
The aim of the study is to study the role of 18G lumbar puncture (LP) needle in the diagnosis of bone marrow involvement in hematologic malignancies and metastasis for certain solid tumors.
During this hospital-based retrospective study, 708 patients who clinically and histopathologically diagnosed with the malignant lesion and subsequently undergone BMA were included in this study.
BMA was done in 607 patients diagnosed with hematologic malignancies and 101 patients diagnosed with nonhematologic malignancies. Adequate marrow material was obtained in the first attempt in 683 (96.5%) cases. Multiple aspirations were needed in 25 (3.5%) cases. The majority (86.3%) of the patients experienced less pain by the 18 G LP needle compared to their previous experience with the conventional BMA needle. Needle breakage was not seen in any of the cases.
The results of this study suggest that the 18G LP needle can be easily adopted for BMA and could be a great help in significantly reducing pain and complications in patients undergoing BMA.