Precious-metal catalysts (e.g.,A u, Rh, Ag, Ru, Pt, and Pd)s upported on transition-metal oxides (e.g.,A l 2 O 3 , Fe 2 O 3 ,CeO 2 ,ZrO 2 ,Co 3 O 4 ,MnO 2 ,T iO 2 ,and NiO) can effectively oxidize volatile organic compounds. In this study,p orous platinum-supported zirconia materials have been prepared by a" surface-casting" method.T he synthesized catalysts presenta no rdered nanotube structure and exhibited excellent performance toward the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde. Af acile method, utilizing ab oilingw ater bath, was used to fabricate graphene aerogel (GA), and the macroscopic 3D Pt/ZrO 2 -GA was modified by introducing an adjustable MOF coating by as urfaces tep-by-stepm ethod.T he unblocked mesoporous structure of the graphene aerogel facilitates the ingress and egress of reactants and product molecules. The selected 7wt.% Pt/ZrO 2 -GA-MOF-5 composite demonstrated excellent performance for HCHO adsorption. Additionally,t his catalysta chieved around 90 %c onversion when subjectedto ar eaction temperature of 70 8C (T 90 % = 70 8C). The Pt/ZrO 2 -GA-MOF-5c omposite induces a catalytic cycle, increasing the conversion by simultaneously adsorbing and oxidizing HCHO. Thisw ork providesasimple approacht oi ncreasing reactantc oncentration on the catalyst to increase the rate of reaction.