the greatest focus placed on improving the charge-carrier mobility (µ). [1][2][3][4][5] However, these successful improvements in µ will be in vain unless other important operating parameters are also improved. One particularly weak point in OTFTs that use undoped, wide-bandgap organic semiconductors (OSCs) is contact resistance (R C ). Not only are the µ values reported for OTFTs suffering from R C at a high risk of being overestimated or underestimated, [1,6,7] but a large R C can also prevent OTFT miniaturization. [8] These points are important if OTFTs are ever to be used in integrated circuits (ICs), where IC operating frequencies can be increased by reducing the channel length and improving µ. [9,10] Indeed, Hagen Klauk recently calculated two key requirements for OTFTs to be used in GHz frequency applications for the "internet of things": i) R C less than 100 Ωcm and ii) channel dimensions either equal to or less than 1 µm. [9] In principle, these requirements can be met by reducing R C . Although R C is extracted as a single value from the OTFT output characteristics, its magnitude encompasses different aspects of OTFT operation. The largest contributor to R C is the potential energy difference between the metal contact and the OSC. In OTFTs, this energetic difference typically creates a Schottky barrier, which reduces how efficiently charge carriers are injected into/extracted from the OTFT channel. [11,12] Therefore, much research has focused on techniques that improve this energetic mismatch, such as contact doping, [13][14][15] alternative contact materials, OSC doping, [4,16,17] injection layers, [18,19] and self-assembled monolayer (SAM) treatments. [20,21] However, there are a number of additional factors that influence the magnitude of R C , including the OSC microstructure, [22,23] charge trapping at the metal/OSC interface, [24] as well as the type of dielectric materials employed [25,26] and the microstructure they create at the OSC/dielectric interface.The dielectric layer in OTFTs has attracted significant attention over the years for a variety of reasons. For instance, the all-important charge accumulated channel forms within a few nanometers of the OSC/dielectric interface. [27,28] Also, the dielectric influences numerous OTFT parameters, such as operating voltage, [29] threshold voltage, [30,31] on-off current, [32] subthreshold swing/slope, [33] hysteresis, [34] mobility, [35] and operational stability. [36,37] However, the relationship between the The impact of the gate dielectric on contact resistance in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) is investigated using electrical characterization, biasstress stability measurements, and bandgap density of states (DOS) analysis. Two similar dielectric materials, namely Cytop and poly[4,5-difluoro-2,2bis(trifluoromethyl)-1,3-dioxole-co-tetrafluoroethylene] (Teflon AF2400), are tested in top-gate bottom-contact OTFTs. The contact resistance of Cytopbased OTFTs is found to be greater than that of the AF2400-based devices, even though the metal/OSC...