Original citationDjara, V., Cherkaoui, K., Negara, M. A. and Hurley, P. K. (2015) An alternative multi-frequency inversion-charge pumping (MFICP) technique was developed to directly separate the inversion charge density (N inv ) from the trapped charge density in high-k/ InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). This approach relies on the fitting of the frequency response of border traps, obtained from inversion-charge pumping measurements performed over a wide range of frequencies at room temperature on a single MOSFET, using a modified charge trapping model. The obtained model yielded the capture time constant and density of border traps located at energy levels aligned with the InGaAs conduction band. Moreover, the combination of MFICP and pulsed I d -V g measurements enabled an accurate effective mobility vs N inv extraction and analysis. The data obtained using the MFICP approach are consistent with the most recent reports on high-k/InGaAs. V C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.