The expansion dynamics of the plasma generated during pulsed laser deposition of gold in vacuum has been investigated at the laser fluences of 2.5, 6.0, and 9.0 J cm −2 . A severe distortion of the expansion is observed in the presence of a substrate that is accompanied at 9.0 J cm −2 by the appearance of a secondary plasma front expanding from the substrate surface. Langmuir probe analysis at 9.0 J cm −2 shows that the substrate surface is bombarded by a high transient flux of energetic Au + ions ͑3.0ϫ 10 19 ions cm −2 s −1 ͒ having very large kinetic energies ͑Ͼ400 eV͒. Analysis of the plasma dynamics shows that these observations are consistent with self-sputtering of Au neutrals from the substrate induced by incident Au ions while a fraction of them are backscattered. Self-sputtering is found to be 2 orders of magnitude larger than backscattering. The comparison with experimental data allows concluding that the apparent recoil of the plasma front is caused by collision with self-sputtered neutrals, while the secondary emission is originated by backscattered ions.
INTRODUCTIONPulsed laser deposition ͑PLD͒ has become a well established technique for the production of a broad variety of materials, particularly complex oxides.1,2 However, much less attention has been paid to the production of metals despite early attempts to synthesize them in the 1970s. 3 More recently, the interest in complex thin film metal nanostructures such as metal-dielectric or metal multilayers, 4,5 as well as metal nanoparticles, 6-8 has triggered new efforts to use PLD for metal deposition. These metal structures are characterized by the localization and enhancement of the electric and magnetic fields, leading to effects such as giant magnetoresistance, 9 enhanced nonlinear optical properties, 8 or enhanced Raman response, 10 among others. Layer thickness, bulk and interface structure in the case of the multilayers, or size, shape, and arrangement of nanoparticles determine these properties. Thus, practical applications require excellent control of the structure and morphology of the nanostructures.PLD is characterized by a high instantaneous flux of species reaching the substrate, a fraction of them having high kinetic energies.11-14 Both characteristics are expected to have a strong influence on the features of the metal structures produced. 6,15 In addition, the presence of highly energetic species may induce undesired processes such as selfsputtering, also termed resputtering, of a fraction of the material that is being deposited 14,[16][17][18][19] or an increase of surface roughness, 4 among others. Finally, both self-sputtering and backscattering of a fraction of the incident species may have a significant effect on the morphology of the nanoparticles due to their nanometric dimensions. While self-sputtering is considered to be a common process when PLD is performed in vacuum, backscattering has seldom been observed or discussed in the literature, 20 and little effort has been devoted to determine its influence on the properti...