“…12(c), the C s for CoWO 4 electrode film prepared by the CP method are 160.5, 173.9, 188.4, As can be presented in Table 6 above, we have noted some well significant differences in C s values for pure CoWO 4 crystals and modified CoWO 4 crystals when compared with other previous papers reported in the literature [26,39,40,43,51,52, 53,54,135,13 7-147] of the crystalline and amorphous state. These differences at minor C s values that have already been previously reported in the literature [43,51,52,138,143,145,146,147] about our CoWO 4 crystals can be possibly ascribed to the relatively slower redox rates on the cobalt actives sites, cobalt deficiencies or oxygen vacancies. Moreover, based on our previous experimental and theoretical analysis is noted the presence of the effect of order-disorder at the monoclinic lattice through Rietveld refinement data at the long-range, non-homogeneous distribution of electronic charges on surfaces mainly for CoWO 4 nanocrystals prepared by the CP method, Raman-active vibrational modes are not wellsharp or defined at Raman spectra at short-range, distortions in the between (O-W-O) and (O-Co-O) bonds found in FT-IR spectra.…”