The rate constant of C02 dissociation on the surfaces of CaO-Si02' CaO-Al203' CaO-Si02-CaF2and CaO-Si02-Fe.Oslags was measuredby means of a 13C02-CO isotope exchangetechnique as functions of slag basicity, iron content, temperature and imposed equilibrium C02/CO ratio, It was shown that CaOSi02-Fe*O slags with low iron content and those with high iron content had different rate determining steps, According to those rate determining steps, the apparent rate constant, k., was ca]culated for each slag. Consequently, we obtained the equations: k. =k(1 -~iei) and k.=k(1 -~iei) ( If weassume that the dissociation of adsorbed C02 on the surface of slag controls an overall reaction, with the adsorption equilibrium for C02and CO, reactions (4) and (6) that the reverse rate of reaction (7) may be negligible.Therefore, the measurement of the forward rate of reaction (7) mol~1)) is the gas constant. AP*3c0= and (P*3co)*q are the partial pressure decrease of P*=c02 by reaction (7) and the partial pressure of P*3co when the complete isotope exchangeequilibrium was achieved, respectively. Hereafter, the left hand side of Eq. (9) will be represented by k* as the apparent forward rate constant.2.2.
Experimental ArrangementThe experimentai arrangement is shown in Fig. l Fig. 8.