We propose an efficient light-matter interface at optical frequencies between a single photon and a superconducting qubit. The desired interface is based on a hybrid architecture composed of an organic molecule embedded inside an optical waveguide and electrically coupled to a superconducting qubit placed near the outside surface of the waveguide. We show that high fidelity, photon-mediated, entanglement between distant superconducting qubits can be achieved with incident pulses at the single photon level. Such a low light level is highly desirable for achieving a coherent optical interface with superconducting qubit, since it minimizes decoherence arising from the absorption of light. 42.50.Ex, 85.25.Cp Rapid progress in engineering and control of their physical properties, have made superconducting (SC) qubits, one of the most promising candidates for future quantum processors [1][2][3][4]. If such processors are connected together into a quantum internet [5], it would allow immense applications ranging from secure communication over long distances [6][7][8] to distributed quantum computation [9][10][11] and advanced protocols for distributed sensing and atomic clocks [12]. Quantum communication over long distances can, however, only be accomplished through optical means making it a necessity to build light-matter interfaces at optical frequencies [5,13]. This has stimulated immense interest in devising ways of efficiently coupling optical photons to SC systems [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. Tremendous success have been achieved in coupling photons to SC qubit at microwave frequencies [30,31], while in the optical domain, only limited indirect coupling has been achieved using transducers [32][33][34]. Coherent coupling of quantum fields at optical frequencies to a SC system thus remains an outstanding challenge. A principle obstacle to this is the large mismatch between the energy scales of an optical photon (∼ 1 eV) and a SC qubit (∼ 100 µeV) [30] making the absorption of even a single optical photon a major disturbance for a SC system. In fact such effects are used in SC detectors for detection of optical photons [35]. To suppress such disturbances it is therefore highly desirable to keep the number of optical photons to a minimum.In this letter we propose a scheme to interface optical photons with a SC qubit at light levels involving only a single or a few photons. To achieve this we introduce a hybrid solidstate architecture depicted in Fig. 1(a) comprising, a molecule embedded in an optical waveguide with a SC qubit fabricated near its surface (∼ 100 − 500 nm). In comparison to the magnetic coupling considered previously [23-25, 31, 36-41], a key feature of our scheme is the electric coupling between the molecule and SC qubit. The coupling strength can then be orders of magnitude stronger thus allowing for strong coupling in the system. As the SC qubit we consider a Cooper pair box (CPB) where the two quantum states are defined by a single Cooper pair being on each o...