Abstract. We present exact solution of the problem of electronic wave functions of quasi one-dimensional band with an inter-band gap at the Fermi surface and in the presence of magnetic field. The details of the analyzed model are appropriate to the situation in the Bechgaard salt (TMTSF) 2 ClO 4 with the dimerizing anion order in the transverse direction. Limiting the effects of dimerization to the standard dimerization gap only, one obtains the electronic spectrum represented through solutions of a generalized Hill system of equations with simply periodic coefficients. The resulting wave-functions are discussed. In particular, we present the solutions for the case when the electrons spend as much time in the "junctions" as on their quasi-classical orbits. On the other hand, the limit when the tunnelling approach is valid is identified and the results are confronted with the well-known Slutskin-Kadigrobov solution. Furthermore, taking into account also the presumably finite transverse dimerizing displacements of chains, one encounters the qualitatively more complex problem of a system of equations with two-periodic coefficients. Some qualitatively new properties of electronic spectrum and corresponding one-electron physical quantities in this case will be discussed in detail.Key words. anion gap, magnetic breakdown
MOTIVATIONThe field-induced spin density wave (FISDW) state and other physical properties of Bechgaard salts with one open Fermi surface are interpreted by the well-known concept of one-dimensionalization of open electron orbits in the plane perpendicular to the external magnetic field B [1]. However, in slowly cooled samples of (TMTSF) 2 ClO 4 with the orientational anion ordering the Brillouin zone is reduced due to a finite dimerization potential along the b-axis perpendicular to the chain direction, and the electron spectrum is split into two sub-bands. Then one encounters the problem of magnetic breakdown of quasi-classical electron orbits through the barrier separating two Fermi surfaces. In the standard treatment [2,3] of this problem one constructs new electron states by including only the local tunnelling through the barrier at the Brillouin zone edges (transverse wave number close to π /2b). This approach is justified provided that the magnetic breakdown parameter κ ≡ ω c t/V 2 is (much) larger than unity [4]. Here V is the potential generated by the anion ordering, t is transverse hopping integral, and ω c ≡ v F eBb/ћ is cyclotron frequency.For κ >>1 one has strong magnetic breakdown, i. e. the tunnelling probability exp (-1/κ) is large. Evidently this regime is possible only if V is weak with respect to t. However recent experimental [5] and theoretic [6,7] results suggest that V might be of the order or larger than t. In this case one cannot use the standard method of Refs. [2][3][4]. We introduce in the present paper an alternative exact approach, generally applicable to the problem of magnetic breakdown.
EXACT APPROACHWe start from the basic one-electron Hamiltonian with the Peierls su...