Objective. Retrobulbar neuritis is the inflammation of optical nerve which is localized behind the eye. Patients with multiple sclerosis are adequate for our examination, because of well-known association between these two diseases.Methods. The study included 64 patients, divided in 4 groups, during last five years, during hospitalizations and outpatient controls. We analyzed demographic characteristics, neuro-ophthalmological clinical symptoms, diagnostic tests and the effectiveness of therapy.Results. The greatest number of patients was young women, from urban regions, treated primarily during the winter time of the year. Temporal pallor of optic head was always present in clinical status. The loss of visual acuity appeared in 64%, MRI findings were positive at 56%, positive cerebrospinal fluid findings were at 43% subjects. VEP examination was positive at 84%, ocular sequels at 67% and neurological disturbances occurred in 48% subjects. Incidence of relapse of retrobulbar neuritis was found in 16% of patients with normal MRI in the period of five years. After the treatment with corticosteroids, the appearance of plaques was delayed for 2 years at almost all patients. A good recovery of patients appeared after 2-3 weeks of corticosteroid treatment. The good results with interferon beta-1b therapy were achieved in 76% of patients. In our patients, prolongation of relapse-remitting status of retrobulbar neuritis during multiple sclerosis evolution was about 2 years.Conclusion. Retrobulbar neuritis is an important health problem in many patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.Key words: optic neuritis; multiple sclerosis; interferons.
KORESPONDENCIJA / CORRESPONDENCEProf. dr Mirjana A. Janićijević-Petrović, Kneza Miloša 3/1-1, 34000 Kragujevac, Tel: 034370073, 066013691, E-mail: mira.andreja@yahoo.com Lečenje retrobulbarnog neuritisa u sklopu multiple skleroze kortikosteroidima i interferonom β1b APSTRAKT Cilj. Retrobulbarni neuritis je zapaljenje očnog nerva koje se lokalizuje iza očne jabučice. Pacijenti sa multiplom sklerozom su adekvatni za naše ispitivanje, zbog dobro poznate povezanosti ove dve bolesti.Metode. U studiju je uključeno 64 pacijenta, podeljenih u 4 grupe, poslednjih 5 godina, tokom hospitalizacija i ambulantnih kontrola. Analizirali smo demografske karakteristike, neurooftalmološku kliničku simptomatolugiju, dijagnostičke testove i efektivnost lečenja.Rezultati. Najveći broj pacijenata su bile mlađe žene, urbanih regiona, lečene preteženo u zimskom periodu kalendarske godine. Temporalno bledilo glave optičkog živca bio je uvek prisutan klinicki status. Pad vidne oštrine zabeležen je kod 64% ispitanika, pozitivan MRI nalaz nađen je kod 56%, a pozitivan nalaz u likvoru kod 43% ispitanika. Pozitivan VEP -nalaz bio je kod 84%, očne sekvele kod 67%, a neurološki poremećaji kod 48% ispitanika. Incidenca recidiva retrobulbarnog neuritisa zabeležena je kod 16% pacijenata sa normalnim MRI nalazom tokom pet godina. Nakon kortikosteroidnog tretmana pojava plakova bila je odložena za oko 2 godin...