Lethal gang attacks, in which multiple aggressors attack a single victim, are among the most widespread forms of violence between human groups. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), as well as wolves (Canis lupus), spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta), and lions (Panthera leo), perform gang attacks during raids. In raids, a few individuals of a group enter another group’s territory and attack its members if found in numerical disadvantage. Current theory predicts that raids and gang attacks are linked to fission-fusion dynamics, i.e., the capacity of a group to split into smaller subgroups of variable size and composition. However, over the last decade, research on social mammals without fission-fusion societies nor raiding have shown that they may also be involved in intergroup lethal gang attacks. Thus, neither fission-fusion dynamics nor raiding are required for gang attacks to evolve. Based on our first-ever reports of intergroup gang attacks in the crested macaque (Macaca nigra), combined with the synthesis of earlier observations of such attacks in several species living in stable groups, we develop a new hypothesis about the proximate causes leading to lethal intergroup aggression. We propose that the ability to estimate numerical odds, form coalitionary bonds, and show hostility towards outgroup individuals may suffice to trigger intergroup gang attacks when the conditions favour an imbalance of power between victims and attackers.