MCM-22-type zeolites constitute a well-characterized tunable class of aluminosilicates suitable for elucidating the fundamental aspects of the binding of rare earth elements (REEs) in layered materials. Starting from the pure silica version ITQ-1 with a unit cell of Si 72 O 144 , a model for periodic bulk crystalline MCM-22 with a finite Al concentration is provided by replacing a Si atom with an Al atom in the unit cell at suitable tetrahedral sites near an internal pore surface. Then, a H atom is added to an O atom bridging Si and Al atoms to create a Brønsted acid site (BAS). There are no internal silanol groups in this bulk model. To generate a model for an external surface, we adopt the fully hydroxylated surface structure of a layer within the ITQ-1 precursor with two silanols per lateral unit cell. A BAS on the external surface can be generated by replacing a near-surface Si atom with an Al atom and adding a H atom, as above. The strength of binding at a BAS of REE, X, taken to be present in the solution phase as nitrates, is determined from the energy change in the reaction X(NO 3 ) 3 + �Si−{OH}−Al� → �Si−{OX(NO 3 ) 2 }−Al�+ HNO 3 . The strength of binding at the silanols is determined similarly. Binding energies are determined from two approaches. The first performs periodic plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) total energy analysis for an entire unit cell of MCM-22. The second utilizes cluster models capturing the local environment of REE binding sites and performs DFT analysis with localized basis sets. The two approaches yield consistent results for Nd, revealing similarly strong binding at either an external or internal BAS, but much weaker binding at a silanol site. This is consistent with the picture deduced from recent experiments. We also comment on binding at Al-bridged siloxane sites, which have been suggested as alternative binding sites to BAS.