SUMMARYBronehoalveoiar washings (BAW) were obtained from rats primarily infected with N. biasitietuis during the early infeetion stage that coincides with the lung passage of the parasite and the reeruitment of inflammatory eells. BAW were tested for IL-1.1L-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) activities. We found that IL-I produetion occurred only on day I post infection and ceased thereafter, IL-6 activity was present as fVorn day 1 with a tnaximum on day 3 post infeetion and then returned to its normal levels on day 5 post infection. TNF aetivity was not recovered in BAW at any time of the early infection. Results obtained from the in vitro eulture of BAW-adherent cells demonstrated that on day I post infection IL-I, but also large amounts of TNF were produced spontaneously, whereas IL-6 was continuously released. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation ofthe eell culture resulted in an amplification of the cytokine product ion. Our results suggest that pulmonary cytokines detected in BAW were at least in part produced by alveolar maerophages. Furthermore, the kinetics of IL-1. TNF and lL-6 production show that these monokines are induced at difTerenl times during the course of infeetion. suggesting that cytokine production may follow different regulation patterns during the early of ,V. bran.siticnsis infection.