T o regulate the immune response and dampen the potential for autoimmunity, the immune system has evolved several mechanisms to down-regulate and control the outgrowth and differentiation of activated CD4 ϩ T cells. One level of control, mediated during the initial interaction of the CD4 ϩ T cell with MHC͞peptide complexes on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, determines whether T cell activation, anergy, or apoptosis will ensue (1-3). A second level of control, mediated by cytokines, regulates the growth and differentiation of activated CD4 ϩ T cells. Different cytokines secreted by CD4 ϩ or CD8 ϩ T cells either stimulate or inhibit CD4 ϩ T cell proliferation and determine whether a naïve T helper (TH) precursor cell differentiates as an IFN-␥-producing TH1 cell or as an IL-4-and IL-10-producing TH2 cell (4-6). A third level of control resides in the regulatory T cells including both CD4 ϩ (7) and CD8 ϩ (8) T cell populations. For example, ample data demonstrate the ability of CD8 ϩ T cells to regulate CD4 ϩ T cell responses (9-13). These effects of CD8 ϩ T cells have been mostly attributed, in recent years, to the CD8 ϩ T cells' secretion of cytokines (14).In addition to identifying cytokines as potential effectors of immune regulation by CD8 ϩ T cells, other studies have identified specific cognate interactions between regulatory CD8 ϩ T cells and activated CD4 ϩ T cells. For example, during antigen-or superantigen-driven CD4 ϩ T cell responses in vivo, CD8 ϩ T cells emerge that specifically regulate CD4 ϩ T cells in a T cell antigen receptor (TCR) V-specific manner (15, 16). These CD8 ϩ T cells preferentially recognize antigen-activated CD4 ϩ T cell clones expressing certain TCR V molecules and are restricted by the class I-b MHC molecule Qa-1. Unlike conventional MHC class I-a molecules, Qa-1 molecules are expressed only at low levels on resting T cells but are increased after antigen activation (17). These data are consistent with a model of specific immunoregulation in which after antigen activation CD4 ϩ T cells express membrane Qa-1͞TCRV motifs that are recognized by the ␣ TCR expressed by precursor regulatory CD8 ϩ T cells. These CD8 ϩ T cells are induced to differentiate and down-regulate CD4 ϩ T cells expressing the particular Qa-1͞TCRV motifs.A prediction of this model is that Qa-1-restricted, V-specific regulatory CD8 ϩ T cells will be induced by ''vaccination'' of animals with antigen-activated CD4 ϩ T cells, using T cell vaccination (TCV) protocols known to prevent autoimmune disease in animal models (18,19). In this regard, we have shown that Qa-1-restricted, V-specific CD8 ϩ cytotoxic T cell lines are induced by TCV (16). Moreover, we isolated a CD8 ϩ T hybridoma clone from a T cell-vaccinated mouse that preferentially recognizes CD4 ϩ V8 ϩ but not CD4 ϩ V6 ϩ myelin basic protein (MBP)-reactive clones in a Qa-1-restricted fashion (16). In this current study, we further confirmed this prediction by investigating an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model system in wh...