To clarify the mechanism of eosinophilia in adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), we studied three ATL patients having marked eosinophilia. Eosinophil-predominant colony-stimulating activity was detected in the serum of one patient and in the conditioned media (CM) from cultured ATL cells from two patients. Soluble interleukin 5 (IL-5), but no interleukin 3 (IL-3) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), was detected in sera from all patients. On the other hand, GM-CSF was produced in vitro by ATL cells from all cases, whereas detectable IL-3 and IL-5 was produced by cells from only one, suggesting that in the other two cases, the serum IL-5 was produced by the normal reacting lymphocytes. The fact that no patient showed marked neutrophilia supports the possibility that IL-5 may have a leading role in the development of eosinophilia, with GM-CSF produced by ATL cells playing a complementary role. Am. J. Hematol. 59:242-245, 1998.