It is now well established that RNAs exhibit fundamental roles in regulating cellular processes. Many of these RNAs do not exist in a single conformation. Rather, they undergo dynamic transitions among many different conformations to mediate critical interactions with other biomolecules such as proteins, RNAs, DNAs, or small molecules. Here, we briefly review NMR techniques that describe the dynamic behavior of RNA by determining structural, kinetic, and thermodynamic properties. This conformational flexibility provides the insights into the functional complexity of RNA. A well-known example of dynamic regulatory RNAs is riboswitches. 10,16 Riboswitches are composed of an aptamer domain where a metabolite binds and an expression platform which regulates transcription or translation. Binding of the metabolite to the aptamer domain ultimately induces the changes in the secondary structure of the expression platform that facilitates or inhibits the transcription or the translation, thus controlling gene expression through modulation of RNA dynamics (Fig. 1A). The interaction between RNA and proteins to form RNA-protein complexes (RNP) is also a dynamic process that often induces sequential changes in RNA structure upon binding of proteins. These conformational changes of RNA induced by proteins can direct the order of assembly of RNP. This event is prominent in the hierarchical assembly of a ribosome, a ribozyme composed of RNA and proteins. 21 For example, the binding of ribosomal protein S15 to 16S ribosomal RNA re-orients the helices of 16S RNA that favors the subsequent binding of ribosomal protein S6 and S18.
22A global conformational change in the secondary structure of RNA is not always a pre-requisite for the function of RNA. A flipping of local bases can regulate the biological processes. For example, 16S ribosomal A-site RNA selects an appropriate