Multiplicity fluctuation of the target evaporated fragments emitted in 290 A MeV 12 C-AgBr, 400 A MeV 12 C-AgBr, 400 A MeV 20 Ne-AgBr and 500 A MeV 56 Fe-AgBr interactions is investigated using scaled factorial moment method in two-dimensional normal phase space and cumulative variable space, respectively. It is found that in normal phase space the scaled factorial moment (ln < F q >) increases linearly with increase of the divided number of phase space (lnM ) for lower q-value and increases linearly with the increase of lnM and then becomes saturated or decreased for higher q-value, in cumulative variable space ln < F q > decreases linearly with increase of lnM , which indicates that no evidence of non-statistical multiplicity fluctuation is observed in our data sets. So any fluctuation indicated in the results of normal variable space analysis is totally caused by non-uniformity of single-particle density distribution.