&~rimenta~ values oj second-order transition temperatures Tm and oj cubical ex-pans1o.n coefficients below and above this temperature are presented Jor several new matermls, notably saran. The thermal expansion behavior oj two-component systems oj incompatible materials (polystyrene plus polyolefins) has been studied. For relatively coarse dispersions (1000A), T m is 82°C, independent oj composition while the diffe~ence 4~ in cubical expansion coefficient above and below T .. is di~ectly pro-portIOnal to the volume Jraction oj polystyrene in the mixture. Unplasticned sarUn behaves similarly in that Tm is constant while 4~ decreases linearly with incroosing crystallinity. For molecular dispersions oj incompatible materials both T m and 4!J are Junctions oj composition. It is shown thatJor most high polymers T m increases ~ith increasing intermolecularjorce constants, while the product oj Tm and cubical coefficient oj expansion above Ton is roughly constant (0.1 to 0.2).