Abstrar The temperature dependence of the NMR chemical shiit of 129Xe dissolved in liquid alkanes is examined in the context of the reaction field model. An essential feature of the theory is the inclusion of the temperature dependence of the density of the solvent. The theory of free volume for liquids is incorporated into the reaction field model to account for this temperature dependence. Comparison of the theory with previously reported measurements indicates the sensitivity of the 129Xe chemical shift to the free volume of liquids. Incorporation of free volume improves the agreement between measurement and theory for branched alkane solvents, and resolves the o¡ of the 62 ppm intercept in the plot of reaction field asa fimction of 129Xe chemical shift for the n-alkanes.
IntroduetionThe subject of solute-solvent interactions has been of interest fora number of years and thus there are good review articles in the literature [1,2]. These interactions result in small but measureable changes of the NMR frequency of the solute -a shift in the chemical shift [3]. Attempts [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] to understand the origins of the solvent induced shift have met with some, but not total, success. One of two approaehes is usually taken -either a statistical mechanical approach [3,5,7,8] of a continuum model [6, 10,11]. Work on xenon in the liquid and solid state [12][13][14][15][16] demonstrated that xenon ehemical shifts are large. This is also true for solvent induced xenon chemical shifts [17][18][19][20][21][22]. Reeent work has been done using other noble gases [23].