The low luminosity of Uranus is a longstanding challenge in planetary science. Simple adiabatic models are inconsistent with the measured luminosity, which indicates that Uranus is non-adiabatic due to the existence of thermal boundary layers and/or conductive regions. A gradual composition distribution acts as a thermal boundary to suppress convection and slow down the internal cooling.Here we investigate whether composition gradients in Uranus' deep interior can explain its low luminosity, what composition gradient is required, and whether it is stable for convective-mixing for a timescale of billion of years. We vary the primordial composition distribution and the planet initial energy budget, and opt the models that fit Uranus measured properties (radius, luminosity, and moment of inertia) at present time. We present several alternative non-adiabatic internal structures that fit Uranus measurements. It is found that convection-mixing is limited in Uranus interior and a composition gradient is stable and sufficient to explain its current luminosity. As a result, Uranus' interior could still be very hot, in spite of its low luminosity. The stable composition gradient also indicates that Uranus' current-state internal structure is not very different from its primordial one. Moreover, initial energy content of Uranus cannot be greater than 20% of its formation (accretion) energy. We also find that an interior with ice+rock mixture, rather than separated ice and rock shells, is consistent with measurements, suggesting that Uranus might not be "differentiated". Our models can explain Uranus' luminosity and are also consistent with its metal-rich atmosphere, and the predictions for the location where its magnetic field is generated.In previous works we developed a detailed non-adiabatic structure evolution model for gas giants (Vazan et al. 2015(Vazan et al. , 2016. This model also includes the change in the interior structure in time by convective-mixing. The evolution of ice giants may be different than that of the gas giants. The more metalrich interior, lower mass, and high atmospheric metallicity affect the thermodynamic properties and the heat transport mechanism in the interior. Therefore, we expand our model by using the evolution features of metal-rich planets (Vazan et al. 2018b,c). We then apply our method to Uranus, and investigate whether a composition gradient is consistent with the low luminosity and the other measurements. Since we follow the entire evolution of Uranus interior in detail, the initial properties can be derived by its current-state.This paper is structured as follows, in Section 2 we describe the model initial composition and properties (Sec. 2.1, 2.2), the thermal and structural evolution methods (2.3), the nature of non-adiabatic structure evolution (2.4), and the parameters we fit (2.5). In Section 3 we present several examples of Uranus valid models (3.1), emphasis the importance of the non-adiabatic evolution (3.2), and summaries the properties of all valid models in our study (3....