“…Their work was, however, a small-scale study in the laboratory. Their pioneering work brought forth a new field of research in various disciplines such as transformation optics [Jiang et al, 2009;Kinsler and McCall, 2015;Lu et al, 2009] energy harvesting , noise barriers [Garcia-Chocano et al, 2012;Garcia-Chocano and Sanchez-Dehesa, 2013;Ho et al, 2003;Lagarrigue et al, 2013;Sanchez-Dehesa et al, 2011] and vibration/shock mitigation [Akl and Baz, 2012;Baravelli and Ruzzene, 2013;Huang and Sun, 2010;Kim et al, 2015;Pai et al, 2014;Peng and Pai, 2014;Reynolds and Daley, 2014;Sharma and Sun, 2015;Tan et al, 2012]. The consideration of using AMs specifically for cavity noise control has been reported recently in two separate works.…”