The IEB research group in Human Capital aims at promoting research in the Economics of Education. The main objective of this group is to foster research related to the education and training of individuals and to promote the analysis of education systems and policies from an economic perspective. Some topics are particularly relevant: Evaluation of education and training policies; monetary and non-monetary effects of education; analysis of the international assessments of the skills of the young (PISA, PIRLS, TIMMS) and adult populations (PIAAC, IALS); education and equality, considering the inclusion of the disabled in the education system; and lifelong learning. This group puts special emphasis on applied research and on work that sheds light on policy-design issues. Moreover, research focused in Spain is given special consideration. Disseminating research findings to a broader audience is also an aim of the group. This research group enjoys the support from the IEB-Foundation.The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) is a research centre at the University of Barcelona (UB) which specializes in the field of applied economics. The IEB is a foundation funded by the following institutions: Applus, Abertis, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Gas Natural, La Caixa and Universitat de Barcelona. The IEB working papers represent ongoing research that is circulated to encourage discussion and has not undergone a peer review process. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IEB.
IEB Working Paper 2016/17 MODELLING ADULT SKILLS IN OECD COUNTRIESRosario Ivano Scandurra and Jorge Calero ABSTRACT: Research in the social sciences has focused extensively on the relationship between family background, educational attainment and social destination, on the one hand, and on the processes of skills creation and skills use, on the other. This paper brings these two branches of the literature together by examining the correlation between a range of social factors. The methodology we adopt provides a comprehensive approach to the study of the channels through which literacy skills are acquired, taking into account the interrelation of family background, educational attainment, and the use of skills at work and at home. We use the Programme of International Assessment of Adult Competences (PIAAC) dataset and apply a structural equation model (SEM). Our results show that family background and education play an important role in the configuration of adult skills and skill practices. Unequal family access to resources has a strong impact at later stages in life and strongly affects educational attainment and skills outcomes. Additionally, skills use has a positive and direct impact on adult skills. JEL Codes: I2, I24