Digital world connected millions of people through internet for our day today activities, and therefore security, privacy, authentication issues is a key question today. The main objective of this paper is to study various issues in enabling technologies such as Cyber Physical System (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics (BDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). IoT is a network of devices which link, interact and transfer data but security and privacy should concern while moving from traditional to modern world. CPS is a combination of data processing, networking and physical activities, through critical infrastructure attacker access computer devices and damages the system. Big data shared high volume, velocity, variety, context and content data to distributed system and key issue is data lost by harm. Artificial Intelligence can perform job as like human brain and solve real world problem but optical network can be easily attacked by hackers. This paper investigate different threats, limitation and future work in the cyber physical system, IoT etc and various methods are discussed from various articles and it is more helpful in doing further research work in this area and cyber security is the most important tool which can be implement to protect the cyberspace from the inside and outside attacker.