Glina DMR, Rocha LE. Understanding the process of workplace psychological harassment: differences between organizational and interpersonal psychological / Compreendendo o processo de assédio moral no trabalho: diferenças entre assédio moral organizacional e interpessoal. Rev Med (São Paulo). 2017 jan.-mar.;96(1):1-13. Associations with organizational psychological harassment: aged 40-50 years, working in private companies, works overtime, no control over work pace, insufficient employees, work overload, high levels of time pressure, subjected to deadlines, inexistence of reward system, greater cognitive effort, forms of harassment -humiliation, pressure for production, discrimination/lack of equity, related to salaries and benefits. Associations with interpersonal psychological harassment: good relationship with colleagues, lack of recognition by the company, worst workstation, job layout, and tools, diagnosis unrelated to family circumstances, predominance of other forms of bullying. Conclusion: Workplace bullying is a complex and multifaceted process. The existence of two distinct phenomena was revealed: interpersonal and organizational bullying.