B3LYP, ωB97x, B2PLYP, and the B3LYP/N07D and PBE/N07D schemes in the calculation of the 14 N anisotropic hyper ne coupling (HFC) constants of a set of 23 nitroxide radicals is evaluated. The results are compared with those obtained with the DLPNO-CCSD method and experimental HFC values. Harmonic contribution to the 14 N HFC vibrational correction was calculated at the revPBE0/def2-TZVPP level and included in the evaluation. With the vibrational correction, the DLPNO-CCSD method yielded HFC values in good agreement with the experiment (MAD = 0.3 G for the dipole-dipole contribution and MAD = 0.8 G for the contact coupling contribution). The best DFT results are obtained using the M06 functional with mean absolute deviation (MAD) = 0.2 G for the dipole-dipole contribution and MAD = 0.7 G for the contact coupling contribution. In general, vibrational correction signi cantly improved most DFT functionals' performance but did not change its overall ranking.