Communication: Full dimensional quantum rate coefficients and kinetic isotope effects from ring polymer molecular dynamics for a seven-atom reaction OH + CH4 → CH3 + H2OA reduced dimensionality ͑RD͒ reactive quantum scattering model has been presented for the general type ABϩXCD 3 ABXϩCD 3 reaction, where the CD 3 fragment has C 3V symmetry. The model Hamiltonian and quantum scattering formulas are derived in hyperspherical coordinates, together with a single hyperradius hyperspherical projection method for boundary conditions. The time-independent coupled channel equations are propagated using a log-derivative method. The surface functions are produced by a guided spectral transform ͑GST͒ Lanczos algorithm. We also describe a GST Lanczos method to solve the generalized eigenvalue problem in a nonorthogonal basis. The RD model has been applied to the OHϩCH 4 H 2 OϩCH 3 reaction. A comparison of calculated results with previous theoretical and experimental ones is made.