We examine the RG flow of a candidate c-function, extracted from the holographic entanglement entropy of a strip-shaped region, for theories with broken Lorentz invariance. We clarify the conditions on the geometry that lead to a break-down of monotonic RG flows as is expected for generic Lorentz-violating field theories. Nevertheless we identify a set of simple criteria on the UV behavior of the geometry which guarantee a monotonic c-function. Our analysis can thus be used as a guiding principle for the construction of monotonic RG trajectories, and can also prove useful for excluding possible IR behaviors of the theory.Introduction: A long-standing question in quantum field theory has been whether one can identify a suitable function which decreases monotonically along RG trajectories from the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR). In two dimensions the existence of such a 'c-function' is well known [1], and its value at the fixed points of the RG flow -where the theory becomes conformal -matches the central charge of the corresponding CFT. Zamolodchikov's c-theorem then leads to c UV ≥ c IR , which reflects the decrease in the effective number of degrees of freedom as one goes to lower energies. More recently we have seen the emergence of interesting connections between c-theorems and the behavior of entanglement entropy S EE . These are particularly relevant to the realm of condensed matter physics, since S EE can be an order parameter for quantum phase transitions and topological phases -it plays a crucial role in describing e.g. the physics of confinement/deconfinement transitions and fractional quantum Hall systems.For a 2D CFT, the entanglement entropy for an interval of length ℓ is S