We present a general virial theorem for quantum particles with arbitrary zero-range or finite-range interactions in an arbitrary external potential. We deduce virial theorems for several situations relevant to trapped cold atoms: zero-range interactions with and without Efimov effect, hard spheres, narrow Feshbach resonances, and finite-range interactions. If the scattering length a is varied adiabatically in the BEC-BCS crossover, we find that the trapping potential energy as a function of 1/a has an inflexion point at unitarity.PACS numbers: 03.75. Ss, 05.30.Jp In quantum mechanics, zero-range interactions can be expressed as boundary conditions on the many-body wavefunction in the limit of vanishing interparticle distance [1]. These boundary conditions define the domain of the Hamiltonian, i. e. the set of wavefunctions on which the Hamiltonian is allowed to act. The Hamiltonian of a zero-range model differs from the noninteracting Hamiltonian only by its domain. In 3D, the zero-range model has a long history in nuclear physics going back to the work of Wigner, Bethe and Peierls on the 2-nucleon problem [2].Zero-range interactions provide an accurate description of cold atom experiments [3,4,5]. In particular, two-component fermionic atoms in 3D at a broad Feshbach resonance are well described by zero-range interactions of scattering length a = ∞. This so-called unitary limit is completely universal, e. g. the superfluid transition temperature is a universal number times the Fermi energy [6,7,8].A new ingredient in cold atomic systems with respect to nuclear physics is the external trapping potential. For the unitary Fermi gas in a harmonic trap, the virial theoremwas recently shown theoretically and experimentally [9,10,11,12]. Here E is the total energy and E tr is the trapping potential energy. On the other hand, the traditional virial theorem does not concern zero-range interactions, but more usual interactions described by a potential energy U ( r 1 , . . . , r N ), where the domain is simply a set of smooth functions. It states that the kinetic energy T is one half of the virial:for any eigenstate; implying T = n/2 U if U is a homogeneous function of degree n. This theorem is as old as many-particle quantum mechanics [13], and is used e. g. to understand the properties of many-electron atoms [14].In this paper, we present a general virial theorem for a Hamiltonian with an arbitrary domain. In the particular case where the domain does not depend on any length scale, we recover the virial theorem for the unitary gas Eq. (1) and the traditional virial theorem Eq. (2). By considering the case of a more general domain, we find new virial theorems for several interactions relevant to cold atoms: zero-range interactions of arbitrary scattering length with or without Efimov effect, hard spheres, narrow Feshbach resonances, and finite-range interactions. Our theorems hold for any trapping potential, in any space dimension. They are valid not only for each eigenstate, but also at thermal equilibrium provided t...