Four grams ascorbic acid given daily by mouth for 4 days increase the urinary excretion of 11-oxysteroids and decrease the excretion of 17-ketosteroids. Ascorbic acid probably acts directly on the adrenal cortex.The relations which exist between ascorbic acid and the adrenal glands have been the object of many studies. Stress, adrenaline and ACTH deplete ascorbic acid in the adrenal cortex, but the production of such an effect by stress or adrenaline requires an intact pituitary gland [Sayers & Sayers, 1948; Dury, 1948; Selye & Stone, 1950;Selye, 1950]. Selye notes that in subjects who have an intact pituitary gland, ascorbic acid decreases during the alarm reaction phase and increases during the resistance phase in the blood, that ACTH and cortical extracts increase the ascorbic acid content of the blood but have no effect on that of the tissues, and that ascorbic acid facilitates the production of the resistance phase.The therapeutic activity of ACTH increases with the rise of the ascorbic acid content of the blood [Ferstl & Heppich, 1950].The hypertrophy of the adrenal glands, which is produced in guinea-pigs and rats by exposure to cold, can be prevented, and resistance to cold be increased with high doses of ascorbic acid [Dugal & Thérien, 1949]. Schaffenburg, Masson & Corcoran [1950] have found that in guinea-pigs with scurvy, the adrenal glands are hypertrophic, that the ascorbic acid content is diminished and that cortisone and ACTH abolish the symptoms of scurvy, while DCA increases them.The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of high doses of ascorbic acid on the functional activities of the adrenal glands. METHODS This investigation has been carried out on eleven normal adult human subjects. In order to investigate the effect of ascorbic acid on gluco-corticoid and androgen production of the adrenal cortex, the 17-ketosteroid and 11-oxysteroid excretion in urine were determined, before and after the administration of ascorbic acid. Four grams ascorbic acid per os were given daily for 4 days and the hormone determinations made on the day preceding and on the fourth day following the administration of ascorbic acid. 11-oxysteroids were determined by the method of Talbot, Saltzman, Wixom & Wolf [1945] and 17-ketosteroids by Zimmermann's method [1944, 1946].The average normal value for 17-ketosteroid excretion in man was found to be 20 mg./24 hr. in our clinic.