In this article, we study two problems concerning the size of the set of finite point configurations generated by a compact set E Ă R d . The first problem concerns how the Lebesgue measure or the Hausdorff dimension of the finite point configuration set depends on that of E. In particular, we show that if a planar set has dimension exceeding 5 4 , then there exists a point x P E so that for each integer k ě 2, the set of "k-chains" has positive Lebesgue measure.The second problem is a continuous analogue of the Erdős unit distance problem, which aims to determine the maximum number of times a point configuration with prescribed gaps can appear in E. For instance, given a triangle with prescribed sides and given a sufficiently regular planar set E with Hausdorff dimension no less than 7 4 , we show that the dimension of the set of vertices in E forming said triangle does not exceed 3 dim H pEq ´3. In addition to the Euclidean norm, we consider more general distances given by functions satisfying the so-called Phong-Stein rotational curvature condition. We also explore a number of examples to demonstrate the extent to which our results are sharp.