In the trade and environment debate, the relevance of intra-industry trade (IIT) cannot be overemphasized. However, an empirical analysis of the environmental implications of such trade is long overdue. Although a number of studies have largely found overall trade to be pro-environment, the consequences of IIT may di §er due to lower adjustment costs, easier technology absorption, and a distinct composition e §ect. In this light, we provide the first empirical investigation of IIT's impact on the environment. Apart from utilizing data on eight environmental indicators from roughly 200 countries over 2000-2005, we also attend to concerns over endogeneity by instrumenting for our trade and income variables. Across several sets of instruments, we consistently find (i) IIT to typically benefit the environment, (ii) overall trade to be less pro-environment than IIT, and (iii) concerns over endogeneity to be relevant.